Our Training Team


We have the most innovative movement training program in Albuquerque.  Our team includes an experienced physical therapist, an athletic trainer, and a high-level MovNat instructor.  We each contribute to programming, and confer on progressions and individual clients when needed in order to make youre experience well-rounded, individualized, and safe.

All of our trainers are MovNat certified, which means they’ve been trained in and have perfected the movements they're teaching. They know how important it is to be able to modify and progress, to keep you healthy and improve your movement.


Lauren Baier, PT, DPT

Certified Level I MovNat Instructor

MovNat for Bone Health (Osteoporosis and Fall Prevention)

Lauren is a physical therapist at Langford and has a special interest in vestibular rehab (PT for patients with dizziness and balance problems) and geriatric PT. Lauren enjoys teaching the bone health exercise class at MoveTru to help clients work on maintaining bone density, improving balance and strength, and improving confidence with functional mobility tasks like getting up from a chair, going up and down curbs, and rising from the floor. In her spare time Lauren enjoys sprint triathlons, pilates, cooking, reading, hiking, and most of all spending time with her spouse and dog.

Samuel Sanders, PT, DPT

Certified Level I

MovNat Instructor


Samuel first started practicing MovNat on the beaches and in the jungles of Big Island, Hawaii in 2013. This was a movement revolution for him that led to a lifelong interest in Yoga, Breathwork, Lightsaber Combat, Kung Fu, and Tai Chi practices, and eventually guided him towards PT school where he began to further hone his understanding of Human Movement. Samuel loves teaching foundational movements skills, like crawling, running, balancing, lifting, and carrying, and hopes to inspire a greater range of embodied movement expression in his clients to make life more playful, easeful, and interesting. When not in the clinic, you can find Samuel exploring the wilds, hunting mushrooms, taking a dip in a cold stream, stoking a campfire, or dancing under the stars.

Ed St. Martin

Certified Level II MovNat Instructor


Ed has been an active athlete his entire life, and discovered MovNat about 5 years ago. His primary focus during classes is on functional exercise which lets you move through your normal life with greater ease. He also likes to push the physical boundaries both with himself and his students, while honoring individual limitations. With a blending of many modalities other than MovNat, his classes are always unique and usually elicit laughter - all while getting fit!

Julie Holt, ATC, LAT, MCT, ITAT

Certified Level II MovNat Instructor


Julie is the athletic trainer at Langford Sports & Physical Therapy and for the Albuquerque Sol who works with athletes of all levels. She has a passion for sports and brings that energy to her return to sport testing & training and to her movement classes.  Julie also loves variety of movement and incorporates fun combinations into her training and classes.