Join us for a Free Seminar about Osteoporosis:
Exercise & Osteoporosis
Exercise & Osteoporosis
Get up to date on the best ways to combat osteoporosis with exercise on May 22nd at MoveTru.
Come to MoveTru and learn from the best about exercise and osteoporosis.
We will have 3 presenters: Dr. Rudolph, Research Director at the New Mexico Clinical Research & Osteoporosis Center, a representative from OsteoStrong Midtown, and Jenny Ploss, a physical therapist at Langford and instructor of MoveTru’s Bone Health MovNat class. We will teach about what osteoporosis means for us as we age, will update you on current research and local resources, and teach you what you can start doing now to maintain bone health and reduce your risk of falls and fractures. We will also have time for a question and answer session at the end of the presentation. Sign up today, as space will be limited!